Your Wellness Lifestyle Starts Here
You may have heard of the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule. It states that for many events, roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes.
The Pareto Principle can be applied to a variety of situations. Here are a few examples of how to apply this principle to help you form healthy habits.

  • Relationships. Who are the few people that have the most positive impact on my life? Spend more time with them. 
  • Priorities. What are the few actions that have the most positive impact on my day? Prioritize them.
  • Learning. What are the few information sources I learn from most? Focus on them.
  • Stress. What are the few sources that cause most of the stress and friction in my life. Eliminate them.
Journal.: What are the current habits that are hindering your future progress?

Forming healthy lifestyle habits, including diet and exercise, requires deliberate effort on your part in crafting a health and wellness vision. In order to be successful, the habits must be accessible, sustainable, and defensible with science. 
Wellness Forum Health has developed a process of educating others to make Informed decisions and I love helping others regain their health through better habits. 

We should never need to explain our reasons for any of our choices, including our food choices. However, we should be able to - if asked - explain why we have decided to stop eating particular foods.  Most important is the ability to do this, which represents an understanding of the reasons a choice has been made. Diet and lifestyle choices and more independent thinking about healthcare are more likely to "stick" if people know what they are doing and why they are doing it. 

Liz Fattore
Nurture Your Health
Licensed Food Over Medicine Professional


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