Excerpts from "What does the Bible say about Health"

How is your spiritual health?
We all look for wholeness in our lives. As Susie Larson says, "what happens in our souls, happens in our cells."  
God made our immune system. Our immune system doesn’t wait until we get sick to start fighting or until we have a major threat in our life. It fights at the first sign of danger. As soon as it detects the slightest one-cell bacteria, that’s it! 
A healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you are only eating well, but your mental and spiritual health are being fed as well. 
Did you know that when you speak negatively about yourself, you give those words power that enters your consciousness, and it affects your DNA! Refuse to allow it to have a place in your life. Negative words will devour you. 

Feeding our soul a healthy diet of Jesus is what helps us come alive spiritually, just like feeding our body a healthy diet helps us function at our best. This is stewardship of mind, body & spirit (and the heart). James Clear says “what gets rewarded gets repeated. Don’t reward behavior that you don’t want to see repeated. God made us stewards of everything, including our physical body.

Some science:
Trauma is an assault to the symphony of the body. It overwhelms the body’s intrinsic ability to self-regulate. This is regulated by the amygdala. If some of our body is not functioning, the body compensates and “holds” what is painful. It causes dis-regulation, but parts of our body cooperate to keep it going. This is what leads to disease. It also leads to depression, sadness, and anxiety. The chemistry of the brain becomes disrupted (neuroinflammation). We can become cut off from our body and live in our head (going through the motions). But the body and the soul remember. 
What are you ignoring about your body and your health? What are the messages that your body is sending to you that you are not listening to? God speaks to us through our physical issues. We need to not only pray for healing, but pray that we can understand first, what God wants to address about our character. Ask him to “disrupt” your life by speaking honest and loving words to the most damaging issues in our lives. 

A higher daily intake of fiber-rich fruit and vegetables is associated with lower incidences of anxiety in adults and, at the same time, greater happiness, higher life satisfaction, and greater social-emotional well-being. 
In turn, emotions may harm you: anger affects the liver, stress affects the heart & brain, worry affects the stomach, grief affects the lungs, fear affects the kidneys. When we speak ill of ourselves and attack ourselves, our brain goes into a stress response. This produces cortisol and insulin and triggers our body to store fat.

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